About Golden Creek Residential Care
A leading provider of residential memory care services.
We exist to provide care done so well that our families can sleep well knowing we are taking care of their loved ones. We also exist to provide our care team with the best experience of their professional careers. We treat our employees well and they treat our families well.
Golden Creek was founded based on our experience both as our mother's caregiver at home as well as her experience in a beautiful 20-bed memory care facility.
Our mother has vascular dementia and we have cared for her for over ten years. We know exactly what it means to be at your "witts end" due to lack of sleep, constant stress, and the loss of your ability to have any quality of life.
Our story is familiar to millions of families with one exception. We found that residential memory care was a Godsend for our family as well as the families we serve.
Having our mother in a larger facility provided some normalcy back into our family for a short time. I call it the honeymoon period. You get your life back at an emotional cost. The cost grew as our mother struggled in the larger format due to quality of care issues. In our case, the cost was too high. Long story short, we had to remove her for her safety due to constant egregious medication errors as well as dehydration issues on a daily basis.
Please know that there are some good larger assisted living facilities. We simply found that the larger format did not work well for our family.
Why Residential?
First, the care is more intimate and person-centered by design in a smaller setting. Add to that our full-time nurse and a highly trained staff with a 2 to 1 ratio is pretty hard to beat. Possibly even more important, our care team loves working in a smaller setting. This means they stick around and they continue up-skilling in our continuous learning environment. More importantly, they fall in love with our ladies and it "feels" like family for everyone.
The Life of a Caregiver At Golden Creek
Investing in the lives of our caregivers is our number one priority. We strive to make sure they have a work-life balance. They are not required to work overtime. They play direct roles in the innovations of care methodology and best practices. They are paid at the top of the market. More importantly, they trust us to have their best interests.
Training Caregiver At Golden Creek
We don't just "Train" our care staff with In-services. We coach them and role-play scenarios to help them learn true person-centered and our positive care approach. Finally, our dementia expert mentors them continuously to help them build incredible soft skills. Many of our best innovations have come through our mentoring process. Ultimately, they know that they matter, that they make a difference, and that they are part of something special.
How is our plan working?
We had 100% retention of full-time caregivers in 2019. Many are close to two years now (we were founded in 2018).
We have a 100% customer satisfaction rating from every single customer for the life of our business.
We receive text messages, emails, and thank you notes from families thanking us for caring for their mothers.
Many of our visitors remark that our care is exceptional and even unique in the level of professionalism (including doctors, nurses, social workers, PT, OT, and resident families).
Making a Difference in the Industry
We have met other assisted living business owners, medical professionals, professors of gerontology, counselors, radio show hosts on caregiving, dementia experts, and many others across the nation and locally who share our vision of helping families navigate this phase of their life gracefully. We enjoy meeting them and look for opportunities to help them and to learn from them. We have met owners in the area that we trust as well which brings us hope.
This is more than a business for us. It is a mission. Let's work together to help as many as well can!
Contact us if you have any questions.
Clint Carter & Melissa Carter, RN